Les nouveaux comics Maîtres de l'Univers (DC comics)

Dans cette section, venez découvrir les nombreuses BD et mini comics associés à la franchise Les Maîtres de l'Univers. Sont particulièrement mis à l'honneur les mini-comics vendus avec les figurines vintage et MOTUc.
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Les nouveaux comics Maîtres de l'Univers (DC comics)

Messagepar phoenlx » ven. mars 06, 2015 8:09 pm

J'ai trouvé ces couvertures , il s'agit apparemment des nouveaux comics MOTU qui existent depuis quelques années
(alors attention, ici il ne s'agit pas de mini comics mais de comics grand format.
ce ne sont pas des mini comics associés à des figurines, comme ceux des années 80 ou ceux récents offerts avec les figurines MOTUc. là il s'agit de comics qui sont parus à part, chez DC.
je ne pensais pas qu'il y en avait autant :shock: Je vous détaille ci-après pour chaque comic les résumés en anglais (trouvés sur le site dc.wikia.com ) je vous laisse traduire :mrgreen:

Je commence par les diverses parutions regroupées sous le titre " He-Man and the Masters of the Universe Vol 1 "

"The Seeker" ( paru en Septembre 2012 )


Synopsis for "The Seeker"

Adam has been having strange dreams of late. Though he is merely a wood-cutter living in a small hut in the forest of Eternia, he has dreamt of being a powerful warrior, fighting evil across the land. Though the dreams are troubling, Adam is intent on focusing on his simple life.

Adam spends his days cutting wood and caring for his ailing father Fedor, whose mind appears to be leaving him. The old man seems to believe that he once lived in a castle, and when Adam tries to recall what their lives were really like, he can't. He shrugs the troubling feeling off, and returns to his work.

For the last few days, Adam has been visited by a colourful falcon. Every day, it returns. He shares some meat with the bird, and instinctively decides to name it Zoar. He watches the bird fly away and wonders where it is that it goes every day between visits.

The dream haunts Adam again that night, and he wakes with a sudden revelation about what he must do. He arranges to have a kind woman from a nearby cabin look after his father while he seeks his fortune in the world.

Not long after beginning his journey, Adam is suddenly accosted by a monstrous man covered in fur. The man knows his name, strangely, and is intent on assuring that Adam never leave his uneventful life. He warns that if Adam continues his journey, he will kill him. Adam confusedly professes that he is merely a woodsman, and the creature responds that he is Beast Man, and Adam will soon merely be dead.

The two tussle for a time, Adam finding his attempts to evade and attack Beast Man are surprisingly more skillful than he expected. He manages to draw first blood from his attacker, and realizes that he is not at such ha great disadvantage as he thought. He realizes that he has to use his wits to defeat the creature, and he hurls his axe through the air, missing the Beast Man, but cutting several branches from a nearby tree.

Beast Man laughs, thinking that Adam missed, but the young man reveals that he had never intended to hit him with the axe. Grabbing the severed branches, Adam thrusts their sharpened ends into Beast Man's back. Dazed by the pain, Beast Man turns around to receive an immediate punch in the jaw, which knocks him unconscious.

Just then, Zoar returns, and Adam sarcastically comments that the bird was little help to him in that fight, though it had watched the whole thing. With Zoar leading the way, Adam resumes his journey, though he can't help but wonder how Beast Man knew his name.

Elsewhere, Beast Man returns to his master Skeletor, who orders him to spread the word that Adam must be prevented from learning of who he really is - at any cost.
Qu'importe la destination c'est le voyage qui compte
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Les nouveaux comics Maîtres de l'univers ( DC comics )

Messagepar phoenlx » ven. mars 06, 2015 8:09 pm

"Desert Storm" ( paru en Novembre 2012 )


Synopsis for "Desert Storm"

After having failed to kill Adam of Eternia, Beast Man must face Skeletor at Castle Grayskull. Skeletor is especially disappointed, as Beast Man indicates that Adam is not completely without skill. Their attempt to wipe his memory completely failed to erase his instinctive understanding of battle. Skeletor shows Beast Man mercy, but warns that his troublesome nephew must die, if he doesn't stay within the boundaries.

Adam, meanwhile, has travelled deep into the desert with the guidance of his bird friend Zoar. After some time of walking, he grows thirsty, but can only find cacti to squeeze the moisture from. Fortunately, he sees some riders on the horizon. When they arrive, though, they recognize him, and take him captive. The riders drop Adam at the feet of their leader Kronis, also called Trap Jaw, who explains that he was captured on orders from Skeletor. He has Adam jailed, with the promise that he will have the chance to petition his life on the next day.

That night, a young woman claims that she was sent by Trap Jaw to give water to the prisoner, and gains access to Adam's cell. He quickly deduces that she is not meant to be there, and asks her name. She responds that her name is Teela. Before they can exchange any more words, the guard becomes suspicious, and hauls her away.

In the morning, Trap Jaw explains that Adam must choose a person whom he will petition for his freedom. Should that person deny him, he must fight to the death. If he survives, he must petition again, until that petition is granted or he or all of the petitioned are dead. Naturally, none of Trap Jaw's men would accept such a petition, and so Adam is thrust into a one-against-many battle for his life.

Grabbing a sword, Adam fights his way past them, with skills he never knew he had, and makes a run for it. Suddenly, though, he feels a shuddering under his feet, and the attackers scatter. Trap Jaw himself decides to finish the job, but the shuddering in the earth grows more and more intense, until they discover that the rumbling is caused by an oncoming stampede of creatures. At the head of the charge is Teela, who apparently caused the distraction in order to save Adam's life. Trap Jaw and his people are trampled as the pair escape.

Adam is surprised to learn that while Teela knows his name, she does not know how she knows his name. Just as he does not know how he knew how to wield a sword. In any case, the pair have a lot to talk about - not the least of which is the fact that Zoar is not a bird, according to Teela.

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Les nouveaux comics Maîtres de l'univers ( DC comics )

Messagepar phoenlx » ven. mars 06, 2015 8:09 pm

"Blood Tide" ( paru en Décembre 2012 )


Synopsis for "Blood Tide"

At the port town of Sand's End, Teela and Adam are forced to sell their Cyber-Camels and pledge themselves to working off the rest of their fares in exchange for passage on a ship. Teela is certain that both of them are under the influence of some kind of curse, causing them to forget their previous lives. Her evidence for this is the fact that Adam's avian companion Zoar is merely a magical construct - not a bird at all. Teela notes that the sophistication of the magic involved in creating him suggests a powerful sorcerer is involved, trying to guide both of them to some destiny.

Meanwhile, at Castle Grayskull, Skeletor muses at how he had previously worked so hard to capture Adam's sword, thinking that it was the source of He-Man's power. Now he knows, however, that the sword was merely a conduit for the power residing within Castle Greyskull itself. He demands of his dinner guest that she give up the secret of accessing that power. His guest, the Sorceress of Castle Grayskull, is practically catatonic, and cannot reply.

While sparring on the deck of the ship they were allowed on, Teela bests Adam once again, and he tries to explain that he does not know where the sudden bursts of warrior-like abilities within him come from. Teela herself does not know from where her own prowess comes from. The captain of the vessel is not blind to Teela's abilities, and he suggests that she use them to fight the sea-monsters that have been following them for some time. He explains that these are likely the creatures of Mer-Man, who believes that he owns the sea.

As if in answer, the ship's deck is suddenly smashed by a massive tentacled monster, on which Mer-Man rides. He refers to his prey as Prince Adam, prompting surprise from both Teela and Adam himself. He claims to have met them both many times, but introduces himself nonetheless. He has been tasked by Skeletor with killing Prince Adam, and he intends to do so.

In the battle, the Teela is grabbed up by one of the creature's tentacles, and Adam tries to rescue her by chopping through it. In response, the creature tosses Teela into the sea. Adam, inexperienced, faces Mer-Man alone, and doesn't fare well. His enemy lifts a heavy chunk of rock over his head to crush Adam with, but suddenly, a sword pierces through his chest from behind, revealing Teela, who climbed the tentacle back onto the boat.

Unfortunately, Mer-Man survives, and the boat begins to sink as he commands the water to rise around them. Teela and Adam are swallowed by the waves, and Mer-Man believes that his job is done. Fortunately, the pair have survived, clinging to debris for their lives

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Les nouveaux comics Maîtres de l'univers ( DC comics )

Messagepar phoenlx » ven. mars 06, 2015 8:09 pm

"Cauldron of Doom" ( paru en Janvier 2013 )


Synopsis for "Cauldron of Doom"

Marooned on some floating debris, Adam and Teela are hot, hungry, and thirsty. While Zoar searches for land, the pair of them argue over the fact that Adam apparently forgot he was a prince. Despite Teela's teasing, she has also suffered memory loss, and has felt that she was guided by dreams of heroism, power, and a man with a skull for a face - just like Adam was. When Zoar returns with a coconut (which he drops on Teela's head), they realize that there is an island nearby, and fashion some oars to get to it.

Consistent with their luck til now, the pair of them are knocked out within moments of setting foot on the beach. Man-At-Arms and a group of warriors have been ordered to capture them alive, and take them back to the island's queen. Though he does not know who she is, Man-At-Arms finds Teela very familiar, and is quick to defend her from the others' salacious comments.

After meeting this queen - albeit bound in chains - Teela is convinced that Evil-Lyn is absolutely insane. Her self-obsession is ridiculous. In any case, she and Adam are confused by their repressed memories' resurfacing. Adam knows the queen's name is Evil-Lyn, and for some reason, Teela swears that the man who captured them is her father. Having looked them over, Evil-Lyn decides that the pair of them will be sacrificed to the Cauldron of Doom in the morning. Afterwards she confers with Skeletor, and promises that despite the elaborate nature of her plan, He-Man will die.

Back at Castle Grayskull, Skeletor grows annoyed that all of those whom he enlisted to kill He-Man are complicating matters by creating elaborate death traps, rather than simply slitting his throat. Apparently, each one has their own vendetta to satisfy. Still, he is afraid to leave Grayskull and do the job himself, because he may not be able to get back in. Even with all the torture he has caused the Sorceress of the castle, he worries that she is the key to unlocking the castle's power.

Late at night, Man-At-Arms finds himself unable to sleep, and decides to pay a visit to the prisoners. He faces Teela, and demands to know why she has been haunting his dreams. All she can think to do is to ask him whether he is her father. He looks at her, says nothing, and then returns to his home. The fact that he also appears to have suffered some kind of memory loss in connection with them suggests that someone manipulated them into coming there.

The next day, Teela and Adam are placed on a long glass bridge extending over the Cauldron of Doom, as Evil-Lyn explains the rules: they must fight, and whichever does not fall into the cauldron will go free. Defiantly, they choose not to fight, and in response, Teela is shot with an arrow. Angrily, Man-At-Arms mutters that if she dies, he will kill Evil-Lyn, and he is nearly heard.

Realizing that they have no other choice, Adam and Teela agree to fight, though they don't know how to bring an end to it, if one of them has to die. Adam admits he would gladly leap into the cauldron to save Teela, but she is sure that Evil-Lyn would have the survivor killed, despite what she claimed. As they fight, though, Zoar flies down and distracts them, causing Adam to fall into the Cauldron.

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Les nouveaux comics Maîtres de l'univers ( DC comics )

Messagepar phoenlx » ven. mars 06, 2015 8:09 pm

"The Sword and the Sorceress" ( paru en Février 2013 )


Synopsis for "The Sword and the Sorceress"

With Adam just fallen into Evil-Lyn's Cauldron of Doom, Teela is horrified that she lost him. However, Evil-Lyn mocks her pain, revealing that the flames are merely an illusion. Though the flames are hot, they could not kill instantly. It seems that Evil-Lyn intends them to fall over and over, roasting them to death slowly. Though they are forced to resume fighting, Adam has a dangerous plan. The cauldron isn't set flush with its cone, and if they risk jumping down, they will miss the cauldron, and escape. With little warning, he shoves Teela off of their narrow walkway, and soon leaps after her. Despite Teela's annoyance at being pushed into the unknown, they find themselves in a mysterious series of passages and tunnels scrawled with an unreadable language.

Evil-Lyn, meanwhile, reports of her having misplaced the two prisoners to an enraged Skeletor. When she points out that the bird Zoar caused Adam to fall, and discover the means of escape, Skeletor realizes that the Sorceress of Greyskull has been undermining him. Angrily, he bursts into her cell and demands to know where in his mind she was hiding. She reveals that she hid in plain sight, within a pleasant memory - moments he rarely revisits. Grabbing her by the neck, he explains that he does not need her to get at Greyskull's power, and snaps it, dropping her limp body to the floor.

With the sound of footsteps from Evil-Lyn's pursuers behind them, Adam and Teela come to a strange door, which they are unsure of how to open. When Adam places his hand on it, though, it begins to emit a blindingly white light, and they hope that this is a good sign. The door opens to reveal a cavern, and in the middle of it is a pedestal of stone, into which a sword has been set. When Adam approaches it, knowing that it holds the answers to their problems, he is attacked by a massive tiger. While he struggles to survive, Teela is surprised by Man-At-Arms and his men, who have finally caught up. Seeing that Adam will likely die here, the captain of Evil-Lyn's guard settles on bringing the girl back alone.

Desperately, Adam scrabbles his way across the cavern floor to the sword's hilt, and pulls it from the stone. In a flash of light, he is transformed into He-Man. Across Eternia, his friends regain their lost memories, and his enemies prepare for his wrath

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Les nouveaux comics Maîtres de l'univers ( DC comics )

Messagepar phoenlx » ven. mars 06, 2015 8:09 pm

"The Power!" ( paru en Mars 2013 )


Synopsis for "The Power!"

On Evil-Lyn's island, she packs furiously, knowing that He-Man and the Masters of the Universe are on their way. Hoping to make an escape, she opens her door to find him waiting for her, and demanding answers.

Skeletor meanwhile, knows that there will soon be a confrontation. His nephew will come for him, and try to get revenge, after his memory was wiped by a spell. That spell has worn off, and he has no doubt that the Masters of the Universe will soon be on their way. The cowardly Beast Man desperately attempts to fortify Castle Grayskull against the coming siege, despite Skeletor's lack of interest in doing so.

In the remote village of Veridas, He-Man and his allies gather to discuss their plan of action. He-Man believes that he should face Skeletor alone, knowing that his uncle will expect him to form an army, because that is what he would do. Putting it to a vote, the other Masters do not agree. So, determined to do it his way, He-Man tells Teela of his plan to leave by himself come nightfall. Annoyed at his stubbornness Teela insists on coming with him.

That night, Skeletor waits on the ramparts, sensing He-Man's approach. He is angered that he spent so long thinking that the castle was the source of He-Man's power, when it was the sword all along. He had been deceived by the Sorceress of Castle Grayskull, and had killed her in response.

He-Man and Teela fight their way through Skeletor's men without much trouble, but they are surprised to meet Skeletor himself on the battlefield. Mockingly, Skeletor shows He-Man the sorceress' severed head, prompting a visceral attack of anger from his nephew. This pleases him, as it indicates that finally, He-Man is ready to fight to the death; to see that they are mortal enemies. Using his staff, he tears open the earth, covering the ground in flames.

Warning that while might may win the war, it is honour that wins peace, He-Man faces his uncle one-on-one. Unfortunately, Skeletor knocks the Power Sword from his hands and into the flaming fissure. However, He-Man explains that it was never the sword that held the power. The power of Grayskull resides within him. With a hefty punch, He-Man knocks Skeletor into the flaming fissure. Teela wonders if he will die, and be gone for good. He-Man lies that he thinks so, knowing that Skeletor will survive. Sadly, he tosses his uncle's staff into the fire, and warns that there will be no more pity from him next time.

Skeletor wakes at the bottom of the fissure, where he is guided to his new master - Orko.

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Les nouveaux comics Maîtres de l'univers ( DC comics )

Messagepar phoenlx » ven. mars 06, 2015 8:09 pm

[à compléter]

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Les nouveaux comics Maîtres de l'univers

Messagepar phoenlx » ven. mars 06, 2015 8:09 pm

On passe aux parutions regroupées sous le titre " He-Man and the Masters of the Universe Vol 2 "

tout d'abord "Desperate Times" ( paru en Juin 2013 )


Synopsis for "Desperate Times"

Prince Adam and Duncan are discussing the fact that the Sorceress of Castle Grayskull was Teela's mother when they pass by Teela's room. As she steps out, both men are taken aback by her bright red hair - an unexpected change from its usual blonde. Despite this, she refuses to explain the change, and becomes angry when they make fun of her for it.

Together, the three of them head out to the commons where King Randor is holding a memorial for Teela Na, the dead Sorceress. When they learn the Sorceress' real name, Teela is surprised to discover that she was named after her, as neither Adam nor her father have filled her in on her parentage.

Elsewhere, a farmer attempts to train his children to till the fields after Skeletor killed the crops. They are interrupted suddenly by a blast of magic which kills the man's sons. The blast heralds the arrival of Despara, daughter of Hordak, who murders the farmer as well, and prepares for the invasion of Eternos within the hour.

Impatiently, Teela and her companions rush away from the ceremony, having sat through as much as they could stand of it. They are surprised by an explosion which is the work of Despara, whose machines are on the attack. Struggling to stand as the castle shakes beneath their feet, Adam calls for the Masters of the Universe to be called together in defence while he calls on the power of Grayskull to become He-Man. Teela, knowing he'd be atop one of the castle's turrets, joins him to assess the threat. They are met up there by Despara. He-man slices her mask in half, and they are surprised to discover that the face underneath belongs to Princess Adora.

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Re: Les nouveaux comics Maîtres de l'univers ( DC comics )

Messagepar phoenlx » ven. mars 06, 2015 8:09 pm

"Past Imperfect" ( paru en Juillet 2013 )


Synopsis for "Past Imperfect"

As the Palace of Eternos is under attack by the forces of Hordak, He-Man and Teela are surprised to discover that the general of that army is Adora. Though they recognize her, they have, until now, not realized she was more than someone they had imagined. Regardless of the recognition that Adora herself feels, she is still intent on destroying them, and a battle ensues. In the scuffle, Adora throws Teela from the palace's parapets, prompting He-Man to punch Adora in the face, and leap down after her. Unfortunately for him, she managed to cling to the wall for her life, whereas he missed it entirely, and plummets on past her.

He manages to use one of Hordak's soldiers to break his fall, and Adora follows him down, eager to destroy him. Before she can attack, Teela uses her to break her own fall, allowing He-Man the chance to club Adora over the head with the flat of his Power Sword.

While Adora is dazed, a messenger arrives to warn that King Randor has ordered a withdrawal, because Hordak's army has begun killing civilians in order to force a surrender. They plan to regroup at Castle Grayskull. Annoyed, He-Man turns to Adora, who explains that these murders are all for the glory of Hordak. Coldly, he turns his back, and she wonders why, until Cringer pounces and mauls her. While she is down, with a bloody wound on her face, He-Man leaps onto his battle cat's back and they ride away to Grayskull. Enraged, Adora swears revenge.

At Castle Grayskull, King Randor delivers the sad news that it was not just Eternos that was attacked, but every major city on Eternia. Their planet has fallen to the forces of Hordak, thanks to an alien technology. The fact that Hordak is responsible comes as a surprise, given that he was thought to be a mere myth.

Adora learns quickly of the Eternian rebel force building at Grayskull, and finds the irony of that fact acceptable. She orders her men to leave He-Man and Teela for her to kill.

Adam confronts his father in the castle's library, unsure of what to make of the claim that Hordak is responsible for the attacks. The king retrieves a book from the shelves, showing a replication of the mural which hangs in Eternos Palace. The chilling depiction of Hordak there had always given Adam nightmares. Fortunately, Grayskull's enchantment binds Hordak to his nether realm - however, his minions are free to roam. At that moment, Teela rushes in to announce that an emissary has come.

The messenger is a projection of Adora herself, who addresses He-Man instead of the king, announcing that if he surrenders, everyone will live. If he fails, all will die. Once he surrenders, the two of them will fight to the death. Naturally, Adam refuses to give himself up, and his companions refuse to let him.

Once Adora is gone, vowing to bring destruction and death to them all within twelve hours, He-Man turns to Teela and suggests that she tell him the story of how she thought of Adora as her imaginary friend. The king meanwhile, thinks on Adora's appearance, and is reminded of his wife.
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Re: Les nouveaux comics Maîtres de l'univers ( DC comics )

Messagepar phoenlx » ven. mars 06, 2015 8:09 pm

"Siege!" ( paru en Aout 2013 )


Synopsis for "Siege!"

Teela recalls how when she was young, she had few friends and preferred to spend time with her father. One day, though, she had encountered another young girl in the palace's arboretum. When she revealed herself, the girl disappeared. The experience had confused her, but Teela ignored it until the day it happened again. The next time she had seen the girl in the garden, Teela brought a book from the library with her, and they read it together. The girl's name had been Adora, and she had said that she was not allowed to leave the garden. Teela never found out who had forbade it. So, they had been each others' secret friends. One day, Adora just stopped coming. Eventually, Teela convinced herself that Adora had been an imaginary friend. Only now, Adora is back as Despara, and she is supposedly the daughter of Hordak himself.

Now, Castle Grayskull is under siege by Despara and Hordak's forces, with the castle's sensors determining that something inorganic is on its way, softening the inhabitants up before the first attack. Not long after even discovering this, they are hit by a barrage that threatens to bring the castle down around them. Before they can seek safety inside it, they are accosted again by Despara, who demands to have Teela for herself. Naturally, Teela feels betrayed by her childhood friend, but has little time to complain, as Despara clubs her into unconsciousness, and whisks her away, claiming that if Teela makes the right decision, she will not die today - nor ever. Despite Teela's kidnapping, He-Man warns her father to see to the defensive perimeter, promising to get her back as soon as they can spare the time.

Meanwhile, on Etheria, Shadow Weaver shares concerns with Hordak that the exposure to Teela might revert all the work they did to brainwash Randor's daughter. Hordak assures her that they have raised Despara to be above any sentiment.

Back at Grayskull, King Randor forbids He-Man from going to find Teela, reminding that if Despara had wanted her dead, she would have killed her instead of taking her. Knowing that his son will try to do it anyway, he commands He-Man to stay, because Eternia needs him there.

Angrily, Adam storms off and encounters Battle Cat in the hall. The cat seems amenable to joining him in a fools errand in disobeying the king's royal command, but Adam is startled to hear a voice warning him not to throw his life away. Confused, Adam realizes that this is the voice of the Sorceress of Castle Grayskull. She explains that though she was murdered by Skeletor, the Castle's power absorbed her spirit - both a curse and a blessing. She shows him a glimpse of a future that might take place if he accepts the gift that the castle intends to offer him, opening a passage to a room bathed in white light. Though Adam doubts her, he enters the room, hoping to find a way to help Teela inside.
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Re: Les nouveaux comics Maîtres de l'univers ( DC comics )

Messagepar phoenlx » ven. mars 06, 2015 8:10 pm

"Fires of Eternity" ( paru en Septembre 2013 )


Synopsis for "Fires of Eternity"

Teela has been captured by Despara, and from her little cell, she glares, seething at her captor. Seeing that something seems to be bothering Despara, she smirks, which prompts the other woman to stand, approach her, and whisper, "I loved you like a sister." After a moment of staring at each other, tears begin to stream down Teela's cheeks.

Meanwhile, Castle Grayskull has been completely surrounded by Despara's siege forces, and Meckaneck worries that they will not survive an attack. Man-At-Arms warns him to keep that information to himself, trying to ignore the fact that his daughter has been captured. He clings to hope that she is alive, knowing that the enemy would show off her body to demoralize them if they had killed her. With another barrage attack on the way, he begins to wonder if the enemy is just amusing itself while they wait for the attack order.

Deeper within the castle, He-Man is led by the bird Zoar, who is acting as a mouthpiece for the spirit of the Sorceress of Castle Grayskull. He-Man worries that the castle will not hold much longer, but the bird assures him that it will serve its purpose, at the least. In any case, Hordak is their foe, and Adam's sister is but an instrument. At this, Adam is confused at this - he didn't know he had a sister. His questions are cut off by his surprise at the chamber that lies ahead. They enter a great hall lined with flames, and Zoar explains that these fires are the magical heart of Eternia from which things were wrought. What lies within is the Secret of Castle Grayskull. Once Adam has been led there, Zoar - and the Sorceress with him - are gone. Ahead of him lie an anvil and a hammer, and Adam isn't sure what he is supposed to do with them. Perhaps, he thinks, he should reforge his sword - but he knows nothing of smithing.

Teela is taunted by another prisoner, and, typically, she beats that prisoner senseless. Despara is displeased, and has the prisoner sent for further punishment before turning her attention to Teela. Despite Teela's attempts to appeal to Despara's former self - the Princess Adora - the woman insists that she is the biological daughter of Hordak, refusing to listen to the reasoning that Hordak is so old that he couldn't possibly be human. Angered by Teela's confusing her, Despara tires of keeping her prisoner, and thrusts a dagger into her gut, ordering a guard to ensure that she takes days to die.

Another half-hearted attempt on the part of Despara's forces to harass the people of Grayskull causes the king to wonder where his son has gone. All the while, Adam has been hammering on the Sword of Power, forging it in the fires of Greyskull. When he is finished, the Sorceress speaks through him, explaining that he had to be the one to reforge the sword. He had to be the one to claim the power of Grayskull, and while it may have come at the cost of his youth, the power is his. Raising the sword above his head, Adam speaks the words, and becomes He-Man.

Elsewhere, Despara is troubled by the words that Teela said to her, growing unsure of what to believe. From nearby, Zoar speaks to her, commenting that if Hordak truly wished to keep Adora under his spell, he should never have let her come home.
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Re: Les nouveaux comics Maîtres de l'univers ( DC comics )

Messagepar phoenlx » ven. mars 06, 2015 8:10 pm

"Once Upon a Time" ( paru en Octobre 2013 )


Synopsis for "Once Upon a Time"

Thousands of years ago, Hordak gained access to Eternia's font of power, and nearly overcame the planet, until King Grayskull forged the cursed sword in the fires of Grayskull, and drove Hordak back. He was wounded and banished to bleak Despondos where his physical form withered and died. That dimension was corrupted by his hatred, and became as one with Hordak. The planet of Etheria, a dark mirror to Eternia, became home to Hordak, and its people became his followers.

As the battle continues to rage outside Castle Grayskull, Despara tells Teela all of this, as the blood drains from the prisoner's ailing body, thanks to a stab-wound. Angrily, Despara demands to know why Teela resists her, and weakly, Teela responds that she bet the night guard she would get Despara on her knees first. Enraged, Despara storms off, and Teela smiles. Even as she strides away, Despara's lingering doubts return, with the seed planted by Teela. She had been told that Hordak was her father, but if he really had been around for thousands of years, she couldn't possibly be - he wouldn't be human. She is further troubled by the fact that Zoar, a magical bird, had spoken to her, addressing her as Princess Adora of Eternia. The bird had suggested that Despara tell Teela the truth of Hordak, and see that there could be no truth in what he had told her.

He-Man, meanwhile, returns to battle with his newly forged armour and sword in hand. Naturally, he intends to rescue Teela first. Before leaving, though, he warns his father, King Randor that they must discuss the news that he has a sister, and that Despara is she.

Angrily, Despara returns to Etheria and demands of Shadow Weaver, whom she had grown to call mother, the truth of her upbringing. Shadow Weaver warns that this suspicion has come too soon. Even so, she readily admits that Despara was sent to kill her own brother and father. She sees no point in continuing the deception, as when Hordak sent her away, he must have known the truth would find her - though perhaps not so soon. Shadow Weaver confides that Despara was once Princess Adora of Eternia, though the throne was always her twin brother's to claim.

She tells of how Keldor sold his soul to Hordak for power and became Skeletor. Through that, he stepped out of the obscurity of being brother to a king. In order to enter Hordak's graces, Skeletor was made to kidnap both children of Randor. However, it was Teela's mother, the Teela Na who witnessed the crime, and her intervention saw that only Adora was stolen, and Adam left behind. The children were of interest to Hordak because they had been spoken of in prophecy. They were both heirs to the power of Grayskull, and to this day, Shadow Weaver believes that the sorceress allowed Skeletor to escape with Adora, because it was the sacrifice that Grayskull demanded for Prince Adam to receive the power to fight Hordak.

Despara doubts Shadow Weaver's story, but violently, Hordak confirms its truth, uncaring that she has learned it. No matter her knowledge, she belongs to him. He reminds her that Randor and his queen did nothing to get her back. Surely if they had cared about her, they would have moved mountains to retrieve her. They don't even know her name. Shadow Weaver dares to contradict him, admitting that the Sorceress knew the truth, and made the king and queen forget, so that they would not rush into a war they would lose. Still feeling some motherly attachment to the kidnapped princess, Shadow Weaver returns her to Eternia, knowing she will soon face Hordak's wrath.

Adora remembers how Shadow Thief had warned her not to tell anyone about the "imaginary friend" she had made in Teela. Knowing the truth now, she rushes to Teela's cage, but is stopped suddenly when Shadow Thief appears in front of her, only to die and disintegrate. With horror, she listens as Hordak's voice warns that this is what comes of disappointing him.

Nearby, He-Man and Mekaneck prepare their infiltration of Despara's camp, though they have no real plan, thus far.

Adora returns to camp and sees that Teela gets medical treatment. The injured woman wakes with surprise and angrily strikes her captor in the face. Calmly, Adora passes her a knife, commenting that it would be more effective. She explains how Teela's mother gave her to Hordak, if what she was told is to be believed, and that she is the princess of Eternia. Interrupting, Teela confirms that it was Adora who helped heal her. Once confirmed, she thrusts the knife into Adora's gut and states that they are now even.
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Re: Les nouveaux comics Maîtres de l'univers ( DC comics )

Messagepar phoenlx » ven. mars 06, 2015 8:10 pm

"Blood Ties" ( paru en Novembre 2013 )


Synopsis for "Blood Ties"

He-Man and Mekanek are having a terrible time of trying to fight their way through the Evil Horde's camp to rescue Teela, unaware that Despara has accepted her true identity as Princess Adora, and freed Teela. Adora insists that she will fight Hordak's wrath by fighting for the only thing she has to believe in: her girlhood relationship with Teela. That is all that still rings true for her.

Suddenly, a vision of Hordak appears before them, warning that the only reason Adora still lives is because Hordak is forgiving. He would gladly let Teela take Adora, but there would be little to take her to. The siege against Castle Grayskull was a mere distraction as his hordes tightened his grip on the entire planet of Eternia. Their concern for the power of Grayskull blinded them to the world on which it resides - and he has happily relieved them of the burden of caring about it. Furthermore, as He-Man arrives on the scene, Hordak explains that the time has come to relieve them of the burden of Grayskull as well, causing the castle to crumble to dust.

Defiantly, He-Man responds that while Hordak may win the land, but he will never defeat the people. The Power Sword banished Hordak once before, and he intends to use it to do so again. Dismissively, Hordak responds that the prophecy of which He-Man speaks has been fulfilled already - it poses no threat now. With that, Hordak is gone, leaving behind the order for the Masters of the Universe to be eradicated. Fortunately, He-Man has prepared for a hasty escape, and calls down a Talon Fighter to carry them all away to Point Dread.

There, He-Man rendezvous with his father, King Randor, who assures He-Man that the secrets of Grayskull will remains safe, for now - but they must reclaim the castle. Moving on, He-Man admits that Adora is not yet ready to accept Randor as her father, and so she will have to resolve her issues on her own until she is.

Teela, meanwhile, insists that her father, Duncan explain to her the nature of his relationship with the Sorceress of Castle Grayskull, whom he had never revealed was the mother of his daughter. Eavesdropping, the other Masters of the Universe muse that it will be a big day when Duncan finally reveals the greater secret that Teela is already betrothed to Prince Adam. Sadly, though, they receive orders from the king to move out, and help whomever they can while Hordak has control of Eternia.

Elsewhere, Adora sits alone, looking on at the destruction that she and the Evil Horde wrought on Grayskull. She is surprised but pleased to hear the growl of Cringer behind her. Sensing his interest, she warns that he must stay with He-Man, and leave her to find her own place. But she promises that the tiger will be the first to know when she does find her place.
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Re: Les nouveaux comics Maîtres de l'univers ( DC comics )

Messagepar phoenlx » ven. mars 06, 2015 8:10 pm

"What Lies Within, Part I" ( paru en Décembre 2013 )


Synopsis for "What Lies Within, Part I"

With Castle Grayskull taken from them, King Randor rallies the Masters of the Universe to take action to strike a blow against their enemies. The king led his men into battle at Sarnscepter, a market town on the plains of Perpetua. Randor had learned that the Evil Horde was seeking something that required vast escavators to recover, somewhere in Sarnscepter, and he had determined that his men would deny the Horde what it sought.

The Horde's activities there were led by Grizzlor, who found his army cut to ribbons by the king's determination that day. He sees this as a challenge to overcome, though, eager to parry the king's attack. He sends his monstroids to box the king's forces in, and in response, Randor deploys more of his own men, having anticipated the flanking. Still, the king is scared.

Fortunately, his forces' spirits are bolstered by the arrival of He-Man and his companions. With little care for why they are fighting, He-Man and his friends join in the battle, knowing that any fight against the Horde is worth joining.

Preparing more of his forces to fight, Grizzlor is surprised by a visit from Hordak himself. Hordak warns that He-Man cannot be allowed to thwart their schemes, and no risks should be taken. He orders Grizzlor to use the Orbital Disruptor - a weapon Grizzlor considers crude and un-warrior-like. Naturally, Hordak insists. Before long, the Horde forces begin to retreat, and He-Man realizes that the reason is not because his side is winning. Something is coming. As the Orbital Disruptor blasts the surface of Eternia, He-Man loses consciousness.

He wakes, hearing the voice of a stranger, warning that even with his new power, He-Man cannot hope to win the fight directly. The stranger introduces himself as Zodac. He explains that while he cannot influence events directly, his new position as an observer has allowed him the opportunity to advise on events both past and future. He warns that He-Man will soon come upon a new means to win victory for Eternia - and he must take it, but it will come at a cost. He must seek out what lies within. With that, Zodac disappears.

Fortunately, Randor and Teela survived the attack, but the king's spirits are low. He admits that, in their absence, Eternia was lost. He has failed his people. He warns that hope wears a strange guise, at times, and may be more dangerous than it appears. Teela realizes that despite his heavy heart, Randor has a plan - but it is one he intends to take alone. His plan is more reckless even than he imagines his own son would dare undertake. He plans to defy the mystical laws of creation, and bring the Sorceress of Castle Grayskull back from death.
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Re: Les nouveaux comics Maîtres de l'univers ( DC comics )

Messagepar phoenlx » ven. mars 06, 2015 8:11 pm

"What Lies Within, Part 2" ( paru en Janvier 2014 )


Synopsis for "What Lies Within, Part 2"

Since the Hordes of Hordak had overtaken the planet of Eternia, the remaining Masters of the Universe were forced into hiding. Now, He-Man, his father, Teela, Stratos, and Battle Cat have been caught by Horde Outriders in the open, after just barely surviving the battle at Sarnsceptor. They had been on their way to Mount Zoar by command of the King, whose desperate plan threatened the very fabric of their reality. Now, though, they might not even make it that far, as just five of them cannot hope to overcome the Horde.

Fortunately, Kreann'ot N'norosh, the Moss Man, comes to their rescue, tangling their enemies in rough, thorny vines. With the Horde subdued, he leafs the Masters of the Universe away into a deep forest of his own making. He is sad to learn that many of the other Masters did not survive the battle of Sarnsceptor, but more surprised to learn of what they intend to do at Mount Zoar. Zoar is the mother goddess of Eternia; the source of all creation. King Randor intends to petition the goddess, and ask her to heal Eternia's wounds; to return the Sorceress of Castle Grayskull to life. Moss Man dismisses the plan as madness. Such a plan threatens to undo the fundamental bonds of the universe. Despite this, Randor warns that he did not come to this decision lightly, and entreats them to come with him, at least as far as the Mount.

Against their better judgment, the Masters follow their king to Mount Zoar, where hieroglyphs cover the walls of a great cavern. They tell of how Zoar is the eternal star seed, worshipped by the First Ones, before even Man arose. Those Snake Men knew her as Serpos. It was she who created the Sword of Power, the planet, and their universe. She is what binds Eternia. In death, the Sorceress has become one with Zoar, and as such, the goddess should be able to re-create her. The King attempts to justify his actions by drawing their attention to a prophecy inscribed on the walls, claiming that in the twilight of the gods, which begins with the sorceress' death, a mighty warrior will traverse Subternia to heal the surface world. That mighty warrior is Prince Adam, who wields the Sword of Power. Only he can open the gates to Subternia and confront the infinite energy of Zoar that hides there.

Adam decides the time has come to admit the vision he had. While wounded at Sarnsceptor, he had seen a man called Zodac who had told him that even with his new power he could not win the war against the Horde directly. Instead, he must seek out what lies within; the indirect means. Taking this vision as a sign, Moss Man suggests that they hurry up and open the gates. Beyond them, Stratos explains, lies a maze of six rings: those of dreams, earth, sky, war, death, and eternity. All must be traversed to reach Zoar. Resolved, Adam raises the Sword of Power above his head, and the gates respond to its power, opening.

Stepping into Subeternia, they soon learn that the Ring of Dreams will be perilous.
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Re: Les nouveaux comics Maîtres de l'univers ( DC comics )

Messagepar phoenlx » ven. mars 06, 2015 8:11 pm

"What Lies Within, Part 3" ( paru en Février 2014 )


Synopsis for "What Lies Within, Part 3"

Almost immediately after entering the Ring of Dreams in Subternia, The Masters of the Universe found themselves under attack at all sides by nightmares. Though they are valiant fighters, one and all, the battle seems unwinnable, and they seek to retreat. Unfortunately, the door was barred behind them, and King Randor warns that there can be no going back, only forward. They must pass through the six circles of Subternia to find the goddess Zoar, and petition her to resurrect the Sorceress of Castle Grayskull.

The king explains that the underworld's Ring of Dreams is a mirror of the overworld. Because Eternia has been corrupted and polluted by Hordak's Evil Horde, so too are the planet's dreams. With that understanding of what they faced, the heroes gain a renewed vigor, and fight for a full day and night before the nightmares become stronger. A great many-headed worm appears, swallowing Stratos, Moss Man, and Teela whole. Consumed by rage, He-Man tears open the creature's stomach with the Power Sword, and is surprised to find that his friends are not there. Convinced that they are dead, his rage grows even stronger.

However, Teela and the others are not dead at all. They have merely been transported to another place. Weakly, Moss Man explains that somehow, they were displaced into the Subternian Ring of the Earth. Teela realizes, looking at him, that he is dying. This is because, he explains, the Ring of the Earth has also become a mirror of what happens on Eternia, and in its dire state, the Ring of the Earth has become a barren, lifeless desert. Without a a biosphere, he will die. Teela insists that she and Stratos will find a way to protect him, and get him to safety, but this will prove difficult, as Rock Men begin to attack.

In the meantime, He-Man and Randor, finding themselves overwhelmed, agree to redouble their efforts, fighting together as father and son.

Rather than fight the Rock Men, Teela and Stratos begin carrying Moss Man, attempting to outrun them. All the while, Teela insists that they will get Moss Man out alive. He assures her that they will not. While there is always hope, they must be prepared for the worst, and in that case, he has things to tell her. The goddess Zoar is eternal and omnipotent - but she is unforgiving. Before mankind rose on Eternia, they were preceded by the Snake Men, who worshipped her as Serpos. While the Snake Men are a thing of the past, Zoar never did answer their prayers. She let them perish, as all things must perish in the natural order. Mankind's prayers - King Randor's prayers - will be treated no differently.

Still trapped in the Ring of Dreams, He-Man and Randor are relieved to see a doorway to the next ring. When Adam raises his sword aloft to unlock it, he is surprised to find that it doesn't work. Randor supposes, with horror, that the Ring of Dreams has become their nightmare, now. An endless battle, where all the doors are sealed and there is no escaping.
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Re: Les nouveaux comics Maîtres de l'univers ( DC comics )

Messagepar phoenlx » ven. mars 06, 2015 8:11 pm

"What Lies Within Part 4" ( paru en Avril 2014 )


Synopsis for "What Lies Within Part 4"

He-Man and the Masters of the Universe have travelled deep into the caverns of Mount Zoar, to the entrance of Subternia, where they are challenged by the Circles of the Underworld; obstacles on their path to petition the goddess Zoar for the resurrection of the Sorceress of Castle Grayskull. Unfortunately, they were separated in the Ring of Dreams, and now He-Man and his father King Randor are trapped fighting nightmares there, while Teela and the others are lost in one of the other rings. They have fought the nightmares for what seems like ages when they receive unexpected help from Teela herself.

Fortunately, Teela, MossMan, and Stratos managed to escape the Ring of the Earth and acquire a flying machine, from which they now fire volleys at the nightmares, giving Adam and the king needed reprieve. They toss a rope down, and pull the pair up to safety. Unfortunately, Battle Cat's rescue will not be so easy. With great effort, the cat pounces high into the air, and Teela and He-Man struggle to pull him aboard the ship. Once all are safe, they fly on to the next ring.

Teela explains that the ship come from the Ring of the Sky. After getting lost in the Ring of Earth, Stratos guided them out from above. Like the Ring of Dreams, the Ring of Earth had been sympathetically ravaged and transformed by the horrors that had transpired on the surface world. It had been rendered a perilous waste inhabited only by Rock Men. Fortunately, the Ring of the Sky is unique, in that it connects all of the six rings of the underworld, allowing passage between them.

The Ring of Sky, meanwhile, is filled with airships that the winds of fate have washed up. From there, they hope to get directly to the Ring of Eternity, without the struggle of going through the other Rings first - particularly those of War and Death. Stratos hopes that they are being guided by Zoar herself. Unfortunately, the sky soon darkens, and they begin to see large storms building on the horizon. The Ring of Sky has been negatively affected, just as the others have. As the air grows more chill, Stratos suggests that they might now be passing over the Ring of Death, and will reach the Ring of Eternity in mere hours - so long as the storms don't knock them out of the sky. Knowing that Stratos has been steering for a long time, the King offers to relieve him, but to everyone's displeasure, he begins steering them into the storms. Soon, a bolt of lightning strikes the ship, and sends them careening toward the ground in an explosion.

Though all have survived - albeit uncomfortably - the king is nowhere to be found. Desperately, they search the wreckage to find that they are not alone in the Ring of Death. This realm is home to the First Ones; the Snake Men. Hurriedly, they sift through the debris until Randor answers their call - but he is not himself. He has been corrupted, and now all that remains of him is what lies within - and that is monstrous.
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Re: Les nouveaux comics Maîtres de l'univers ( DC comics )

Messagepar phoenlx » ven. mars 06, 2015 8:11 pm

"What Lies Within, Part 5" ( paru en Mai 2014 )


Synopsis for "What Lies Within, Part 5"

King Randor has been corrupted within the Ring of Death, far beneath Mount Zoar in Subternia. Nervously, He-Man realizes that this is not his father at all, but Hssss. Moss Man recognizes the name as that of the long gone king of the ancient Snake Men. Angered by the deception, He-Man attacks, but he is hardly a match for the power of Hssss.

The serpent creature explains that he is more powerful because he worshipped the goddess Serpos at the heart of Eternia. He had wanted to share in Serpos' power, and become greater, so he had journeted to the core of Eternia to take that power and gaze upon the true face of the goddess. He had underestimated the price, however. No mere mortal could wield such power. His people were destroyed as a result, and only he survived, spending these long ages scheming to free Eternia from the upstart race of men.

Thanks to the effects of the Realm of Death, the Snake Men rise to battle with He-Man and his companions. Angrily, He-Man faces Hssss and demands to know where his father is. Hssss taunts him, suggesting that he might have been occupying Randor's body as far back as Adam's birth. Randor is long dead, and Hssss holds the key to the power of Eternia. That key, is Adam himself. Using Adam, he intends to unlock the infinite power of the Star Seed and use it to reclaim the planet for his people. It is Adam's presence alone that has revived the Snake Men who now battle his companions. He had manipulated Adam into thinking they could petition Zoar for the Sorceress' life. With that revelation, Hssss knocks Adam unconscious and allows him to be carried away by his Snake Men toward the final gate separating them from Zoar's power.

As they watch the Snake Men march away, Moss Man holds Teela back from following, explaining that Hssss is too powerful for them to face without Adam. She must accept that the king has been dead for a long time.

As Hssss approaches the gate with Adam's body, the doorway opens, and he leads his Snake Men through it, preaching that in this place, there is no Zoar or Serpos - there is only the Star Seed, and only He-Man's body can withstand holding the power of Eternity.

Seeing Hssss plan coming to fruition, Teela tires of holding back and decides that if fighting Snake Man for eternity is the only way to possibly succeed, she will do it.
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Re: Les nouveaux comics Maîtres de l'univers ( DC comics )

Messagepar phoenlx » ven. mars 06, 2015 8:12 pm

"What Lies Within, Part 6" ( paru en Juin 2014 )


Synopsis for "What Lies Within, Part 6"

He-Man regains consciousness within the Ring of Eternity, carried on the shoulders of a horde of Snake Men. He remembers with anguish the news that his father, King Randor is dead, and had been impersonated by the monster Hssss for some time. And now, Hssss intends to use him to unleash the power of Eternity and reclaim Eternia for his people. Desperately, Adam tries to fight them, even as they stand before the Star Seed, trying to gain back his Power Sword. Hssss subdues him with magic, warning that there is nothing left in Eternity that can save him from what's to come.

Teela, meanwhile, has dragged her remaining friends into battle with the Snake Men, hoping to save Adam and the human race. Despite Moss Man's protestation, Stratos agrees that if they give up, all is doomed. Trying is all they have left. As they fight their way closer, they can see that Hssss intends to throw Adam into the Star Seed and thereby gain the power he has craved since the dawn of time. Flying overhead, Stratos wonders where the Goddess they sought is. They had come to implore her for help in returning the Sorceress to life. Teela worries that the Goddess may not be real, and that they are Adam's only hope. She has Stratos carry her to Hssss in the hopes of preventing the inevitable.

When she reaches him, though, Hssss knocks her into the Star Seed's light, and she is consumed by its flame. Inside, she sees her mother, Teela Na, who explains that Teela has found her way into the center of the star seed. Crying, Teela wonders why the Sorceress had never told her that she was her mother. The Sorceress responds that keeping her parentage from Teela was her greatest regret - but her role prevented her from being a mother to her. She had, however, always watched over her daughter. She watched Teela grow to become a fierce defender of her world - and the time has come for her to become more. The Sorceress explains that Hssss is wrong about the Star Seed. It does not lack a consciousness. The mother goddess is merely beyond the comprehension of mortals. The Sorceress' role has always been to voice that power; to be its oracle and the face of a caring universe. Each race sees the Goddess in its own image, and as the Sorceress, Teela Na was the Oracle of Zoar - but her time is ending. Eternia needs a new sorceress for a new age. Teela will be that Sorceress - if she is ready to pay the price.

Outside the Star Seed, He-Man wrestles free of Hssss, who senses that something is wrong. Their attention is drawn to a figure, rising from the flames, who resembles Teela. She explains that she is the Sorceress of Serpos - and she has the power. The Snake Men bow to her, but Hssss refuses, choosing not to acknowledge any divine consciousness to the power of Eternity. Angrily, He-Man punches Hssss into the void, tiring of the creature's machinations.

While her friends look on in confusion, Teela suggests that they finally leave Subternia, and whisks them all - including the Snake Men - away to Snake Mountain. Before her new followers, Teela rallies the Snake Men to help vanquish Hordak and his Evil Horde. Before that, though, she bestows a new role upon Prince Adam. He will become the new king of Eternia, in place of his lost father.

Afterwards, Stratos notices Adam's mood is poor, and asks after him. Adam responds that he refuses to wear the crown until the world is free of the Horde. While they have new might as Zodac promised, the cost has been terrible. His father is dead, and Teela is lost to the role of the Sorceress. Eternia may be saved yet, but Adam has lost all that mattered most to him. Stratos embraces him as a friend, hoping to comfort him.

Meanwhile, elsewhere, Despara encounters an old woman on the road, who begs a drink of water. Despara obliges, allowing the lady to keep the flask for herself. As Despara continues on her sojourn, the old woman wishes her luck, keeping to herself the fact that she is Hssss in disguise.
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Re: Les nouveaux comics Maîtres de l'univers ( DC comics )

Messagepar phoenlx » ven. mars 06, 2015 8:12 pm

"The Blood of Grayskull, Prologue" ( paru en Juillet 2014 )


Synopsis for "The Blood of Grayskull, Prologue"

Thousands of years ago, in the final moments of the Horde War, King Grayskull thrust his newly forged Sword of Power through the chest of the monstrous Hordak. In that moment, the skies of Eternia cracked open, and Hordak and his Evil Horde were dragged through a portal to the dark dimension of Despondos, beginning their banishment. Eternia rejoiced and at the seat of Grayskull's power, Castle Grayskull, a month of celebrating was planned. The Gar elders saw to the preparations, as the king had struck a bond of friendship in Adi, his trusted adviser. Similarly, Grayskull had come to look on his young Gar handmaiden Saryn as a daughter, and she had loved him back - even if her love necessitated that she save him from himself.

His Queen Beena, the high priestess of Zoar worried, despite the celebrations, of a prophecy of doom. She had told her vision to her young handmaiden Teela Na, but she had not shared it with her own husband, but she knew the time was coming that she would need to.

As the King led his people in a celebration of the Sword of Power that had brought them victory, Adi was preparing a coup with the help of an assassin called Gorto. After the King's speech, his wife took him aside to tell him of what she'd seen. It was a warning of a war between two of the king's own blood. One would bring destruction, and the other would fight it back. The prophecy had troubled Veena greatly, but for their sake, she intended to beseech Zoar to show her more.

Adi approached Saryn checking to see if she would play her part in his plan. She could not bear to betray the king, but it was only she who could get close enough to do as Adi commanded. He believed that the sword of power was corrupting the king, and he knew its power would lead the king or his heirs to bring Eternia to everlasting damnation. He had heard of the Queen's prophecy. To manipulate her, he explains that the king and queen had kept a prophecy of motherhood for Saryn, who had until that time believed herself to be barren. She was to be the mother of the saviour to fight back the destruction wrought by Grayskull's madness. To make that happen, she would have to kill the king on that very night. As the girl reluctantly took his knife, Adi licked his lips with a serpentine tongue.

After the feasting had continued late into the night, and the hour of quiet finally fell, Adi rang the great bell of the temple, signalling for Gorto to lead his men of the Gar in an attack on the people of Eternia. When Adi and his men came for the Queen, young Teela Na tried to protect her, but Veena ordered her to run for her life, and remember what she saw that night. The king, meanwhile, took drink with Saryn, when he noticed the flames growing outside. Leaping to his feet, he reached for his sword, but found that he could no longer move. Saryn had paralyzed him with poison. Tearfully, Saryn begged him not to look at her as she slit his throat with the knife she was given.

Grayskull burned on that night, one thousand years ago.
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Re: Les nouveaux comics Maîtres de l'univers ( DC comics )

Messagepar phoenlx » ven. mars 06, 2015 8:12 pm

"The Blood of Grayskull, Part One" ( paru en Aout 2014 )


Synopsis for "The Blood of Grayskull, Part One"

On the island of Anwat-Gar, Saryn ran from memories of a crime that had come back to roost. She was most cursed among the Gar, guilty of murdering King Grayskull on the night of the coup, one thousand years ago.

Adora wakes from her nightmare, unsure if she had dreamed of herself or someone else. She collects herself, focusing on her map. She seeks the way to Anwat-Gar. She packs her satchel to continue her journey, but senses someone nearby. She is surprised to find that her visitor is He-Man himself. Though she is pleased to see him (and Battle Cat), she reminds that she had made it clear she wished to be left alone. Adam must admit that he has come to deliver the grave news that their father, King Randor is dead. He explains that he has taken an oath that he will not take the crown until Eternia is free of the Evil Horde.

They walk together, and Adam explains the new state of affairs to his sister: Teela's transformation, the recruitment of the Snake Men, and the new stronghold. Their father is dead and their mother has been marooned Off-world. It falls to Adam to lead the people out of the darkness - and to Adora, if she will join him. She refuses, admitting that while she wants to fight Hordak until her dying breath, it must be on her terms. She was the one who destroyed Grayskull's legacy as Despara, and the people will not forgive her for it.

There is also the matter of the prophecy to be concerned about. Only one of the heirs of Grayskull is worthy to wield the Sword of Power. The Sorceress of Castle Grayskull had sacrificed Adora to Hordak solely so that Adam could become He-Man. Adam admits that he understands all that - which is why he wanted to give her something. It is a locket that had belonged to their mother. The gift brings Adora to tears, but she warns that he cannot ask her to take on this responsibility. Adam calls out that Teela has told him of what Adora intends. She wishes to go to Anwat-Gar to confront her nightmares, though the island is forbidden. He promises he has not come to stop her from that quest. He intends to join her on it.

Adam presents her with a message from Teela explaining that she must allow Adam to come with her and keep her safe. She and Adam both love her, and one further gift will serve to guard her on her venture. Inside a cask, Teela has left Adora an ancient weapon of the Snake Men. Adora is grateful for both the weapon and the company, but warns that she still has demons to banish. Comfortingly, Adam responds that family is strength that even demons fear.

As their quest continues, Adam and Adora encounter a Horde patrol, and bring it down together. Unfortunately, it is the third such encounter in a short time, and Adam worries that they cannot risk further detection. Their passage might be safer by sea - even though the Althra Port is also Horde-patrolled.

Upon their arrival there, they see that Hordak's Fright Zone has made its mark there too.
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Re: Les nouveaux comics Maîtres de l'univers ( DC comics )

Messagepar phoenlx » ven. mars 06, 2015 8:12 pm

"The Blood of Grayskull, Part Two" ( paru en Septembre 2014 )


Synopsis for "The Blood of Grayskull, Part Two"

Hoping to slip into Althra Port and get a ship to the forbidden island of Anway-Gar, He-Man and Adora must first sneak past all of the Horde guards keeping sentry over what is now a part of Hordak's Fright Zone.

As they hide from the Horde, Adora explains that when she was Despara, she learned that the Fright Zone was designed to consume. Just as Hordak consumed Etheria, he intends to consume Eternia. Hordak feed off of the fear of Hordak's conquered, spawning a Fright Zone that spreads across the planet like a cancer and corrupts the land itself. They witness Eternians trapped in cages, fuelling the Fright Zone's continued expansion. While Adam wants to free them, Adora warns that it would blow their cover to do so. Though he regrets looking on this horror and doing nothing Adam must admit that it is more important to get to Anwat-Gar. What they find there may help them win the war.

At Adam's urging, Adora reluctantly explains that the prisoners are fed upon. Hordak absorbs their souls and increases his own power. Some believe that he is an agent of entropy and plays a natural role in the end of all things - ugly as that truth may be. Hearing this, Adam refuses to stand by and let the prisoners die, whether he will blow their cover or not. Righteously, he raises his sword high over his head, and calls on the power of Grayskull.

The Horde is immediately upon them, but Adam's power as He-Man is great, battling like a majestic god. As he cuts the horde down with only Battle Cat at his side, he calls out to Adora to free the prisoners. By the time she has done so, Adam has destroyed the entire Horde population at Althra Port. Rallying the people, he sends Battle Cat to lead the freed back to Snake Mountain and safety.

Adam apologizes for diverging from the plan, but Adora understands. Suddenly, his sword begins to glow, and he declares that it must be a warning. The ground rips open at their feet, and a void opens up, threatening to swallow them. Adora warns that the land has been corrupted by the Fright Zone already. The land is trying to kill them.

As the gap threatens to consume them, they are surprised when one of the creatures Adora had freed returns for them. As they ride the winged horse onward, an apparition of Teela appears in the clouds, and urges them onward to Anwat-Gar. She warns, though, that the island will test them in ways they cannot imagine. Its secrets do not wish to be discovered.
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Re: Les nouveaux comics Maîtres de l'univers ( DC comics )

Messagepar phoenlx » ven. mars 06, 2015 8:12 pm


Synopsis for "The Blood of Grayskull, Part Three"

Thanks to the winged horse Swiftwind, He-Man and Adora have been rescued, and can continue their journey to the island of Anwat-Gar - but Adam worries that the island feels haunted. Adora spots some of the Fright Zone encroaching on the shore line, and notes that the place will soon fall to its corruption. Adam, though, warns that he feels something else.

The island itself is strewn with ruins, since the Horde's invasion, and further it has been a thousand years since the Gar attacked and murdered King Grayskull. As a result, they were ostracized, and their island declared forbidden territory, cut off from the rule and light of Grayskull for all that time. Both children of the Grayskull line feel that an entire people should not have had to suffer for the actions of a few individuals. They are overheard by the Gar themselves, who admit that they did not expect to hear sympathy from the blood of Grayskull. Spooked by the sudden appearance of the Gar, Swiftwind runs into the woods, and Adam suggests that Adora go after him while he talks to the Gar. They warn, though, that the woods are dangerous because a witch lives there, and has tormented them for some time. They agree to send their own warriors to find Adora, rather than risk Adam getting lost in the woods too.

The Gar spokesperson comments that this first contact with the outside world is a great day for them. He admits that none of the Gar have names anymore, as they are a ghost people, though they hope one day to have names again. After all, Adam has broken taboo by coming to them. Adam explains that he has not come for revenge as they might fear. The outside world is in danger, and he has been told that salvation may be found on Anwat-Gar. Even so, he believes the time has come to end the Gar's suffering, and rejoin them with the people of Eternia. It is not right, he feels, that the sins of the father be visited upon the child.

Adora, meanwhile, rushes through the woods, but feels suddenly paranoid that someone is watching her. Shrugging it off, she is happy to find Swiftwind in a clearing, and attempts to guide him back - if she could only remember the way. Suddenly, she hears a voice warning her away, and draws her sword instinctively. She warns the owner of the voice to show itself, and she is visited there by an apparition of King Grayskull himself, pointing at her sword. Confused, she looks on the blade, and sees that it is wet with his blood. In that instant, the vision is gone, and Adora is left wondering just what it meant.

Worried that it has been too long, Adam decides it's time to go after his sister himself. The Gar respond that they have just had word that Adora's been found and brought to the temple. They show him the way to it, but when he enters, he sees that it is empty - except for Tri-Klops. The villain reveals that Adam has been paralyzed by poisoned wine, just as King Grayskull was, centuries ago. As a hunter, Tri-Klops wants only to exchange Adam to Hordak for money. He had beaten Adam and Adora to the island and struck a deal with the Gar to spare them the Fright Zone corruption, and a seat at Hordak's table in the new order. As for Adam - Hordak only wants his blood.

From the door of the temple, Adora shouts that if Hordak wants the blood of He-Man, he shall have it. She strides right up to Adam, places her blade to his throat, and slices it open.

plus d'infos : http://dc.wikia.com/wiki/He-Man_and_the ... e_Vol_2_16
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Re: Les nouveaux comics Maîtres de l'univers ( DC comics )

Messagepar phoenlx » ven. mars 06, 2015 8:13 pm


Synopsis for "The Blood of Grayskull, Part Four"

Princess Adora has just cut her brother Adam's throat with her blade, in the midst of the temple at Anwat-Gar. This surprises Tri-Klops, who had expected to kill He-Man himself, after striking a deal with the Gar to help capture him, and then sell his blood to Hordak. Grinning, Tri-Klops suggests that He-Man probably expected to die in a more valiant way, than to have his throat slit like a hog by his estranged sister. Collecting a few drops of Adam's blood into a vial, Tri-Klops takes his leave, with Adora asking him to tell Hordak that Despara still serves at his pleasure. As he leaves, Tri-Klops warns adora to get off the island as soon as possible, before the Fright Zone engulfs it. This worries the Gar, who had been promised that they would be spared the Fright Zone. Coldly, Adora responds that they were fools to think Hordak would honour a deal with them.

She returns to Adam's body, and confirms that he is dead before suddenly realizing what she has done. Something had come over her; controlled her. She had murdered her own brother without intending to. Terrified and despairing, she runs into the woods, calling out for The Sorceress to help her undo what she did - lest she take her own life. Fortunately, Teela appears to her and urges her to stay her hand. She admits that she did not foresee this course of events. She had not expected the cursed blade to entrap Adora so quickly. It was, after all, the same blade that had murdered King Grayskull a thousand years ago. In response to Adora's horror, Teela explains that fate is a complex mechanism, and it was vital for her to possess the blade - vital because of what she must do now, after killing He-Man.

By way of explanation, Teela shows Adora a vision of the night King Grayskull was murdered. His devoted Gar handmaid Saryn had been the one to wield the blade, and take his life. His blood had poured from his body, and filled the runes in the throne room floor of the castle, activating them, revealing a secret door to the Forge of Grayskull, where the King had crafted the Sword of Power. On that night, Saryn entered the forge and discovered that Grayskull had forged a second sword. The first had been the Sword of Power, but the other was the Sword of Protection. While the first had been made to defeat Hordak, the second was forged to protect Eternia in the case of his power falling into the wrong hands. Saryn had thought it was destiny that she found the sword, having been told by Adi that she would bear the child who would become saviour of Eternia. She took the sword, and fled Grayskull, hiding it for her future child to wield.

In the meantime, Adi and the Gar ruled the land and ushered in an age of terror until Grayskull's last surviving son and Queen Veena returned to overthrow them. Only Adi and Saryn escaoed retribution. Adi had been long dead when they found him. It was assumed he had poisoned himself - though Adora doesn't believe that was the truth, based on her vision. The resistance recovered the Sword of Power, but chose to hide it away until destiny would reveal its rightful heir. The Sword of Protection, though, is still in the hands of Saryn. Cursed by the blood she spilled, Saryn has become an immortal monster; the fabled witch of Anwat-Gar. She is the reason that Adora has been brought to the island. She is the child destined to hold the Sword of Protection. Teela warns, though, that Saryn will surely kill Adora rather than let her take it. Adora, though, doesn't feel that she deserves the sword, having killed her brother. Teela assures her that she is not to blame. The cursed blade merely brought out the worst in her - and the worst in her is Despara. But the cursed blade is also the only thing that can defeat Saryn. Whatever Adora thinks, the hand of the Goddess moves in mysterious ways.

To give her hope, Teela explains that it is not too late to save Adam. The Sword of Protection has the power to heal'. If Adora can recover it, she can bring her brother back. Angry at being manipulated by fate like this, Adora warns that she will not trust the Sorceress again, and calls on Swiftwind to take her to Saryn before Fright Zone consumes the island and prevents her from saving Adam. As Teela watches her go, a tear wells in her eye.

Using the cursed blade as a dowsing rod, following it to Saryn's cave. Dismounting from Swiftwind's back, she steels herself for what she will soon face, donning the mask of Despara, and marching into the depths. Across a pool of blood, she spies the Sword of Protection, but she is startled by the sudden emergence of the monstrosity that Saryn became - the witch from Adora's dreams.
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Re: Les nouveaux comics Maîtres de l'univers ( DC comics )

Messagepar phoenlx » ven. mars 06, 2015 8:13 pm


Synopsis for "The Blood of Grayskull, Part Five"

Having followed the draw of the cursed sword to the cave of the witch Saryn, the Gar who murdered King Grayskull a thousand years ago, Princess Adora is now under attack by the monster. Transformed by the cursed blade into the warlord Despara, Adora insists that Saryn will fear her and fall. Saryn responds that she is well aware that Adora has come to steal back the Sword of Protection that King Grayskull had forged. On the night she murdered him, Saryn had discovered the sword and taken it for herself, thinking it was the destiny of her own progeny to wield it. As such, Adora is not considered worthy of it. Adora has more reason to take back the sword than that it is her birthright. She also hopes that it will be able to bring her brother Adam back from death after her cursed blade influenced her to cut his throat. Grinning, Saryn recognizes the cursed blade as the same blade that she used to slay Grayskull, and comments that she and Adora are not so different. Both had been destroyers of Grayskull's legacy. Despara's true allegiance is to Hordak, whether Adora tells herself it is just a mask or not.

In their battle, the witch tears the mask from Adora's face, and a locket along with it. Angrily, Adora demands it back, as Saryn peeks inside to see the image of Marlena inside it. Enraged by such disrespect, Adora fights harder, insisting that nobody will choose her destiny for her. She will choose - and she has chosen Grayskull. The Sword of Protection suddenly begins glowing with a brilliant light, activated by the words "I choose Grayskull." It had waited a thousand years to hear them. The sword causes Saryn's hand to burn away where it touches it, and Adora uses the distraction to thrust her cursed blade into the witch's neck. With Saryn's death, the cursed blade crumbles to dust.

Tired, Adora plucks the locket from the witch's flaming form and approaches the sword, pulling it from the dirt and raising it aloft. As if she had said them countless times before, she says, "For the honor of Grayskull, I am She-Ra" - and instantly, she is transformed.

As she dies, Saryn promises that her Son will live on, at least.

Riding Swiftwind, She-Ra hurries back to the Gar temple, seeing the Fright Zone beginning to envelope the island of Anwat-Gar. She rushes to the altar where she left Adam's body, hoping to heal him before the Fright Zone prevents her sword's power from doing so. She holds the blade over him, and waits, beginning to despair that it might not work - until it begins to glow brightly, and Adam shakes himself awake. He has little more time to recover, though, as Adora warns that the Fright Zone is nearly upon them. Raising his sword, Adam calls on the power of Grayskull, and together, they purify the island of the corruption.

Still, the Gar remain, having betrayed Grayskull for a second time, in helping Tri-Klops to entrap them. Stonily, He-Man bids them rise, and admits that he knows they are a broken people. However, he will no longer permit darkness to rule over Anwat-Gar or Eternia. Their island is saved and their curse is lifted. The time for change has come.

Meanwhile, Castle Grayskull has long since fallen to Hordak's Fright Zone, and now serves to house his servants. With the blood of He-Man in hand, Tri-Klops returns there, and delivers it. In doing so, he has given Hordak the means to escape Despondos, break the secrets of Grayskull, and claim its power.
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Re: Les nouveaux comics Maîtres de l'univers ( DC comics )

Messagepar phoenlx » ven. mars 06, 2015 8:13 pm


Synopsis for "Stuck in a Moment"

Twelve years ago, King Randor was injured in trying to rescue his son, and required medical attention. The guards carried Prince Adam away from his father, and Duncan instructed them not to take him back to Eternos. Keldor was in open revolt against the king, having murdered the high council, and the city was in flames. Unwilling to believe what he'd heard, Adam scanned around him, and his eyes fell upon the falcon of Zoar, and he was filled with hope that things would turn out well. Things had gone so badly since that morning - but that morning was wonderful. He had had his first kiss with Teela, and he wished he could hold onto that moment forever.

Teela had not enjoyed the kiss, unfortunately. She had dared him to do it. She had forced her way into the king's guard to protect him - and her reasons for wanting to protect him, though, were perhaps more personal. Not long after the kiss, she was forced to protect him by shoving him out of the way of her father's oncoming vehicle. After checking to see if the prince was alright, Duncan explained that he had been sent to lead a convoy in order to resolve a trade dispute between Avion and the Adreenids. Along with that convoy will go the Masters of the Universe.

To his father's surprise, Adam approached him for permission to join the convoy to Avion to observe. His father refused him outright on the grounds that he was just a boy, but the Adam's uncle Keldor urged Randor to let him become a man. The king still refused, until his son admitted for the first time to him that he wished to become one of the Masters. Shaken, the king explained that what makes Eternia so special is that it is home to the magic that created the universe. If Eternia were ever destroyed, the fabric of the universe itself would unravel. Their ancestor, King Grayskull had died knowing that Eternia was key to protecting the entire universe. Its magic needed to be guarded at all cost from the wrong hands. Grayskull had been the first master - but not the last. The king warned that Adam could never hope to become a Master if he hadn't yet learned to master himself. Hurt, Adam burst into tears and ran from the throne room.

Afterwards, Keldor came to find him and apologized for the fact that his encouragement had led to his being hurt. He had hoped Adam's courage would make Randor see the potential in him - but stubbornness was the king's vice. Adam admitted that he felt invisible to his father, and Keldor assured him that he could empathize. He had been born illegitimately of a Gar mother, who had found and healed King Miro when he washed ashore on Anwat-Gar. They fell in love, and after she bore their son, she asked that he take the baby from Anwat-Gar to Eternos, knowing that she herself would not be welcome. She asked, though, that he return Keldor to her when he came of age. Miro, though, would never let Keldor return to Anwat-Gar. Understanding his uncle's identification with him at last, Adam knew that his uncle would then understand why he had to go with the convoy. Despite having spoken about it before, though, Keldor warned him not to - it would be too dangerous.

Defying both mentor and father, Adam stole a Skysled, and was on his way through the treacherous no-man's-land of Zarcane. However, unbeknownst to him, he was being watched by Beast Man, who had allied himself with Keldor in the plan to betray the king, and take Adam hostage.

After learning of his son's reckless departure, Randor decided to go after him by himself. Keldor attempted to get him to stay, but the king refused, putting his brother in charge of the high council for then night. In the king's absence, Keldor held a toast with poisoned wine, and saw that the council was all dead with the help of Evil-Lyn.

As Adam was attacked by Beastmen, the king's Wind Raider swooped down to save him, but was damaged, and Randor was pinned under the debris. Adam tried with all his might to pull it off of him, but the king warned him away, as Beast Man closed in on them. Adam's will was so great, as he tried to move the debris, that he accessed the Power of Eternity, drawing the attention of the Sorceress of Castle Grayskull and Zodac. The Power of Eternity slowed time around Adam, and as a result of his efforts, a medic who would have arrived too late would now arrive in time to heal the king - if Adam could free his father.

This worried Zodac, who suggested that they kill Adam. The Sorceress disagreed, explaining that Adam's humanity was his strength. His love for his father was the source of his power. He could have been king if he'd have let his father die, but Adam would never do that. Keldor would not have done the same. The Sorceress declared that she believed Adam was the one foretold by prophecy, heir to the power of Grayskull. Swayed by her arguments, Zodac agreed to intervene in the course of events just this once, guiding one of the king's guards to fend off Beast Man. In the meantime, the Sorceress approached Adam and promised him silently that she would one day give him the key ro unlock his greatest power. For the time being, though, she would grant him just enough to save his father, sealing the gift with a kiss on his cheek.

As he lifted the debris from his father's chest, Adam shouted, "I have the power!"
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Re: Les nouveaux comics Maîtres de l'univers ( DC comics )

Messagepar Náin » ven. mars 06, 2015 8:21 pm

Ah tiens j'ignorais qu'il y avais des comics

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Re: Les nouveaux comics Maîtres de l'univers ( DC comics )

Messagepar phoenlx » ven. mars 06, 2015 8:25 pm

En fait je suis en train de me renseigner car j'avais laissé tomber les news MOTU depuis presqu'un an ( faute de temps :lol: )
Pour les comics en fait il y avait plein de mini comics ( des comics de petit format ) dans les années 80, qui étaient vendus avec les figurines vintage de l'époque. En plus ils avaient aussi sorti quelques belles BD reliées ( en moins grand nombre )
Et là apparemment depuis que les nouvelles figurines MOTUC sortent ( 2008 ) ils ressortent en parallèle des mini comics associés qui sont vendus avec certaines ( je n'en possède aucun , perso je n'ai pas encore beaucoup démarré la collection je n'en ai que deux )
Mais ce que j'essai d'élucider là c'est si ces comics ( présentés dans ce topic ) sont ces fameux mini comics associés aux figurines récentes, ou si c'est encore autre chose ( je crois que c'est la première option mais je suis pas sûr :penseur: Je sais même pas trop si c'est traduit. On va attendre camille addams il devrait avoir plus d'infos :mdr: ) Là je me renseigne car je vais peut-être m'en acheter si j'en trouve
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Re: Les nouveaux comics Maîtres de l'univers ( DC comics )

Messagepar Scarabéaware » ven. mars 06, 2015 9:20 pm

Bon beh c'est chouette :D, on peut admirer ces très belles couvertures de comics du coup ;) :saute: et se laisser encore plus charmer par Teela :siffle:

Bientôt tu nous fais la traduction des résumés ? :mrgreen:
Venez jouer avec Bob Image.

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Re: Les nouveaux comics Maîtres de l'univers ( DC comics )

Messagepar phoenlx » ven. mars 06, 2015 9:23 pm

Il vaudrait mieux que ce soit fait par un pur angliciste :lol: Je veux bien mais ça risque de me prendre du temps
Mais j'ai pas encore présenté tous ! Il y a eu 3 séries là j'ai mis les deux premières ( ça continue encore en ce moment )
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